Virtual Collection of Life Story Interviews
The numbers after the names indicate the page numbers of the full interviews, where they are mentioned. The more numbers after the name, the more the person was mentioned throughout the interview.
Due to technical reasons we only include those people in the Index who were referred to by their name. So when the Interviewee talks about “my father” or “my sister” etc, they do not get referred to in the Index.
Aczél György / Hungarian Communist politician / 133, 144, 145, 146.
Ady Endre / Hungarian poet / 156.
Ágoston László / Hungarian philosopher, Head of Faculty, Budapest University of Technology / 160, 181, 182.
Allen / American husband of Zsuzsa Aradi / 103.
Almási Miklós / Hungarian philosopher / 164, 165.
Altrichter Ferenc / Hungarian philosopher / 219, 260.
Ancsel Éva / Hungarian poet, philosopher / 118, 119, 161, 164, 165, 168, 169, 246, 247.
Andics Erzsébet / Hungarian historian, Communist party official / 51, 52.
Angyal István / freedom fighter of Hungarian Revolution of 1956 / 239.
Angyalosi Gergely / Hungarian philosopher, critic / 248.
Anke / German wife of Péter Várdi Hungarian sociologist, mathematician / 322.
Antal László / Hungarian economist / 225, 239, 269.
Antall József / Hungarian teacher, librarian, Prime Minister of Hungary / 324.
Apró Éva / staff member of Társadalmi Szemle review / 75.
Aradi Géza / brother of Zsuzsa Aradi / 97.
Aradi Vilmos / civil servant, Hungarian Copyright Office / 96, 97.
Aradi Vilmosné, Rozi / trade union secretary of Ministry of Home Trade / 97.
Aradi Zsuzsa / Hungarian teacher, girlfriend of G.P. in his youth / 96, 97, 102, 105, 106, 116, 117, 121, 171, 230, 257, 260, 264.
Ascher Tamás / Hungarian director / 233.
Atkári János / Secretary of Hungarian Young Communist Leage (KISZ) in Faculty of Humanities of Eötvös Lóránd University, economical expert, Deputy Mayor of Budapest / 111, 114, 115, 126, 131, 132, 133, 137, 146, 149, 183, 211, 256, 261.
Bacon, Roger / medieval English philosopher / 197.
Bacsó Béla / Hungarian philosopher, aesthete / 248, 312.
Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Endre / Hungarian politician, journalist / 15, 52.
Bakos István / Hungarian sociologist, Secretary of Hungarian Young Communist Leage (KISZ) in Faculty of Humanities of Eötvös Lóránd University / 131, 260.
Balassa Péter / Hungarian aesthete / 124, 126, 139, 260.
Balázs Béla / Hungarian movie aesthete, writer, director / 98.
Bálint Endre / Hungarian painter, grafic artist / 206.
Bálint Mária / Hungarian born psychologist, in Sweden / 142.
Bán András / Hungarian critic, teacher / 230.
Bán László / Deputy Under Secretary in the Ministry of National Cultural Heritage of Hungary / 307.
Bán Zoltán András / Hungarian critic / 260.
Bánfalvi István („Brúnó”) / Secretary of Hungarian Young Communist Leage (KISZ) in Faculty of Humanities of Eötvös Lóránd University / 133, 146.
Barna Imre / Hungarian translator, publisher / 230, 248.
Báron György / Hungarian critic, journalist / 260, 261.
Bártfi György / Hungarian emigrant in the USA, survival of labour service, friend of Galicza family / 174, 175.
Bauer Tamás / Hungarian economist, politician / 109, 142.
Becket, Thomas (Becket Tamás) / Archbishop of Canterbury / 204, 324.
Békés Vera / Hungarian philosopher / 230, 249, 250, 261.
Bence György / Hungarian philosopher / 113, 121, 122, 123, 143, 153, 154, 218, 231, 237, 248, 259.
Benda, Václav / Czech philosopher, politician / 224.
Benke Valéria / Hungarian Communist politician, Chairman of Hungarian Radio, Minister of Cultural Affairs / 50, 53, 67, 75.
Berényi Gábor / Eötvös Lóránd University, student of philosophy / 229, 261.
Béres Márton / Hungarian Communist party officials / 43.
Bergman, Ingmar / Swedish director / 82, 244.
Berkovits György / Hungarian writer, sociologist, editor / 249.
Bernát István / Hungarian teacher of philosophy, Budapest University of Technology / 205.
Bernstein, Eduard / German Social Democrat ideologist, politician / 277.
Bertalan László / Hungarian sociologist / 218, 264.
Betlen Anna / Hungarian economist, human rights activist / 35, 36, 85, 86, 261.
Betlen János / Hungarian television personality / 35, 86, 261.
Betlen Katalin / Hungarian journalist / 36, 86, 109.
Betlen Oszkár / Hungarian Communist party officials, journalist, Chief Editor of Szabad Nép newspaper / 35, 84, 85, 281.
Betlen Oszkárné (Éva) / wife of Oszkár Betlen / 35, 85.
Bibó Boriska / daughter of István Bibó / 102.
Bibó István / Hungarian political theorist / 102, 239.
Bod Péter Ákos / Hungarian economist, Chairman of Hungarian National Bank / 324.
Bodnár M. István / Hungarian philosopher / 312, 313.
Bódy Gábor / Hungarian director / 125.
Bognár László / staff member of Társadalmi Szemle review / 75.
Bojtár Endre / Hungarian literature historian / 261.
Bokros Lajos / Hungarian economist, Minister of Finance / 324.
Bor István / Hungarian philosopher, Budapest University of Technology / 159, 181, 203, 204, 208, 249, 314.
Boretsky Elemér / Hungarian translator / 230, 249.
Boronkay Tamás / Hungarian journalist / 212, 215.
Borsos Miklós / Hungarian sculptor / 29.
Botond Ágnes / Hungarian born psychologist in Sweden / 196, 230, 261.
Bruszt László / Hungarian sociologist / 249.
Bucz Hunor / Hungarian director / 230, 249.
Ceauşescu, Nicolae / Romanian dictator / 289.
Cohn-Bendit, Daniel / French-German politician, spokeperson of the student movement of 1968 in France / 143.
Cziegler István / Hungarian psychologist / 125.
Czövek Olivér / Hungarian reformed pastor / 230.
Csákó Mihály / Hungarian sociologist / 261.
Csalog Zsolt / Hungarian writer, sociologist / 231, 249, 261, 268.
Csató Éva / Hungarian born turcologist, Professor in Uppsala University, acquaintance of G.P. in Norway / 197.
Csécsy Imre / Hungarian writer, journalist, politician / 205.
Csetneki Gábor / Hungarian actor, director / 230, 261.
Csongor Anna / Hungarian sociologist / 230, 250, 261.
Csoóri Sándor / Hungarian writer / 262 288.
Dalos György / Hungarian writer / 109, 141, 224, 261.
Dalos Rimma / Russian born poet, translator / 224.
Dankó Ádám / Hungarian journalist / 212, 213, 215.
Darvasi László / Hungarian journalist / 212.
Demény Pál / Hungarian illegal communist / 20.
Demszky Gábor / Hungarian sociologist, politician, Mayor of Budapest / 109, 126, 142, 147, 230, 250, 251, 286.
Dés László / Hungarian musician / 227.
Descartes, René / French philosopher / 170, 219, 260.
Detrekői Ákos / Hungarian university professor, Rector of Budapest University of Technology / 303.
Deutsch Tamás / Hungarian politician / 325.
Devecseri Gábor / Hungarian poet, writer, translator, classical philologist / 177, 212, 267.
Dobai Péter / Hungarian writer, poet / 125.
Donáth (Deutsch) Péter / Hungarian fine artist / 123, 153, 251.
Donáth Ferenc / Hungarian politician, historian / 97.
Donáth Ilona / Hungarian emigrant in England / 97, 98, 182, 276, 282.
Duray Miklós / Hungarian politician, writer / 288.
Dutschke, Rudi / spokeperson of the German sudent movement / 142, 143, 183, 188, 190.
Dylan, Bob / American singer, musician, poet / 248.
Eco, Umberto / Italian writer / 248.
Ember Mária / Hungarian writer, journalist, historian / 251.
Emőd Pál / Hungarian journalist / 212.
Endreffy Zoltán / Hungarian philosopher, translator / 230, 262.
Engels, Friedrich / German philosopher / 50, 51, 274.
Eörsi István / Hungarian writer, poet, translator / 126, 262, 263.
Eörsi János / Hungarian journalist / 263.
Eörsi László / Hungarian historian / 263.
Erdély Miklós / Hungarian architect, writer, fine artist, director / 233.
Erdélyi Ágnes / Hungarian philosopher / 122, 230, 251.
Erdélyi László / Hungarian philosopher, university teacher / 117.
Erős Ferenc / Hungarian psychologist / 93, 230, 251.
Fábri Péter / Hungarian writer, poet, songwriter, translator / 230, 263.
Farkas Ágnes (Agnes Smith) / American aunt of Gabriella Salamon / 192.
Farkas Aladár, dr. / Hungarian doctor, orthopedist / 172.
Farkas család / family of G.P.’s wife on maternal line / 171, 173.
Farkas Ilona (Vadász Milánné) / maternal grandmother of Gabriella Salamon / 172.
Farkas János / Hungarian economist / 251.
Farkas Mihály / Hungarian Communist politician, Minister of Defense / 127.
Farkas Vladimír / State Protection Authority (ÁVH)-officer, civil servant, son of Mihály Farkas politician / 127.
Fehér Márta / Hungarian philosopher / 199, 209, 219, 223, 268, 301, 302, 303, 304, 309, 310, 319.
Ferge Zsuzsa / Hungarian sociologist / 127.
Fielding, Henry / English writer / 246.
Fock Jenő / Hungarian Communist politician, Prime Minister of Hungary / 57.
Forgách András / Hungarian dramaturge, writer / 125.
Forman, Miloš / Czech director, actor, screenwriter / 252.
Földvári Tamás / Hungarian sociologist / 260.
Földvári Zsuzsa / Hungarian journalist / 136, 212, 214, 215.
Frederit Róbert / relative of Gabriella Salamon in Israel / 174.
Fried, Erich / Austrian poet / 183, 187, 188.
Friss gyerekek / Children of István Friss / 86.
Friss István / Hungarian Communist economist / 86.
Füleki József / staff member of Társadalmi Szemle review / 75.
Fülep Lajos / Hungarian art philosopher, art historian / 70.
Gács János / Hungarian economist / 34, 35.
Gács Péter / Hungarian mathematician / 34.
Gádor Anna / Hungarian psychologist / 255.
Galicza (Pogány) Klára / Hungarian teacher of Russian language / 46, 73, 79, 106, 122.
Galicza János / Hungarian pedagogist, university teacher, brother of G.P. / 3, 7, 11, 16, 18, 22, 27, 28, 29, 40, 42, 45, 46, 58, 59, 62, 73, 79, 80, 84, 105, 122, 168, 279, 280, 295.
Galicza Júlia / niece of G.P. / 168.
Galicza Károly / Hungarian driver, paternal grandfather of G.P. / 2.
Galicza Károly / Hungarian Communist party officials, father of G.P. / 1, 22, 33, 37, 39, 40, 44.
Galicza Károlyné (Neumann Katalin, Kálmán Kató) / Hungarian sculptor, mother of G.P. / 1, 6, 7, 16, 19, 26, 31. 66, 292, 296.
Galicza Pál / Hungarian mathematician, son of G.P. / 179, 241, 242, 294.
Galicza Péter / University teacher, Teacher of Philosophy, aesthete (the interviewee) / 146, 206.
Galicza Zsuzsa / daughter of G.P. / 179, 180, 241, 243, 295.
Garai László / signer of the Charta of ’79 petition in Hungary / 252.
Gáspár Judit / Hungarian psychoanalitic / 126, 129, 139, 142.
Gáspár Zsuzsa / Hungarian editor / 123, 153.
Gáti Tibor / Hungarian sociologist, journalist / 108, 126, 127, 128, 129, 137, 138, 140, 142, 224, 230, 236, 262, 321.
Gaudi, Antoni / Catalan architect / 94.
Gazdag Gyula / Hungarian director, screenwriter / 252, 322, 323.
Gelencsér Gábor / Hungarian movie aesthete, movie historian / 316.
Gémes János (Dixi) / underground figure of Budapest / 233.
Gerenczey-Miháltz Alirán / Hungarian philosopher, classical philologist / 222.
Gesund, Vardit / relative of Gabriella Salamon in the USA / 174.
Gimes Miklós / Hungarian journalist / 281, 282.
Glatz Ferenc / Hungarian historian / 124, 210.
Golicin herceg / Russian aristocrat / 12.
Gödrös Júlia / Hungarian sociologist / 252.
Göndör György / Hungarian mathematician / 260.
Grósz Károly / Hungarian Communist politician, Prime Minister / 289.
Guris Erzsébet / flatmate of Kálmán-Galicza family / 61, 62.
György Péter / Hungarian aesthete, critic / 258, 304, 305.
Gyulai István / Hungarian journalist, Chief Editor of Világgazdaság / 177, 178, 212, 228, 267.
Habsburg József / Archduke / 144.
Hajdú László / Hungarian architect / 128, 129, 138, 139, 140.
Hajós György / Hungarian mathematician / 120.
Halasi Zoltán / Hungarian cultural manager, Hungarian Young Communist Leage (KISZ) / 90, 244.
Halda Alíz / Hungarian teacher, member of the illegal Democratic Opposition / 263, 269.
Hamburger Mihály / Hungarian sociologist / 229, 230, 231, 234, 263, 322.
Hammer Ferenc / Hungarian sociologist, punksinger / 88.
Hanák Gábor / Hungarian historian, documentary film-director / 306.
Haraszti Miklós / Hungarian writer, politician / 109, 111, 112, 113, 141, 236, 238, 240, 322.
Harda bácsi / Hungarian coachman / 61.
Harda Erzsébet (Bözsi) / flatmate of Kálmán-Galicza family / 62, 63.
Harda Zsuzsanna (Zizi, Nyáry countess, Szabóky Ödönné) / flatmate of Kálmán-Galicza family / 61, 62, 63, 64, 242.
Hartai László / Hungarian director, camera-man / 245, 315, 316.
Havas / Hungarian mathematician, son of Valéria Benke / 75, 76.
Havel, Václav / Czech writer, politician / 224.
Háy Ágnes / Hungarian graphic artist / 233.
Hegedűs András / Hungarian Prime Minister, sociologist / 127, 252, 263.
Hegedűs András, ifj. (Grisa) / Hungarian economist / 136, 170, 214, 224, 252, 253, 263.
Hegedűs B. András / Hungarian economist, sociologist, historian / 252.
Hegedűs család / family of András Hegedűs former Prime Minister / 224, 263.
Hegedűs István / Hungarian businessman / 126.
Hegedűs József / Hungarian economist, sociologist / 231, 252, 263.
Hegedűs Zsuzsa / Hungarian sociologist / 121, 122.
Hegel, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm / German philosopher / 117, 126, 155, 162, 230.
Heidegger, Martin / German philosopher / 204, 248.
Heller Ágnes / Hungarian philosopher / 264.
Herczeg Klára / Hungarian sculptor, coins-sculptor / 188, 189.
Herskó (Trenka) Anna / Hungarian camera-man, director, Sweden / 14, 27, 28, 73, 190.
Herskó János / Hungarian director, Sweden / 14, 73, 190, 191, 258, 322, 323, 324.
Hirsch / Hungarian businessman in the Horthy-era / 60.
Hirsch Tibor / Hungarian movie historian / 245, 315.
Hirschler Richárd / Hungarian journalist / 212, 216.
Hitler, Adolf / German dictator, Chancellor / 106.
Ho Si Minh / Vietnamese Communist politician / 215.
Hollós Ágnes / daughter of Ervin Hollós / 301.
Hollós Ervin / Hungarian Communist party officials, secret police officer, university teacher / 300, 301.
Hóman Bálint / Hungarian historian, politician / 69.
Hont Ferenc / Hungarian director, theater historian, aesthete / 210.
Hont István / Hungarian historian / 111, 112, 113, 122, 123, 143, 156, 210, 211.
Hont Iván / son of Ferenc Hont / 210, 211.
Horger Antal / Hungarian linguist, university professor / 168, 169.
Horn Gyula / Hungarian politician, Prime Minister of Hungary / 239, 316.
Horváth István / Hungarian psychologist / 121, 137, 268.
Horváth Zsuzsanna / Hungarian born sociologist in France / 320, 321, 322.
Hronszky Imre / Hungarian philosopher / 283, 300, 310.
Hume, David / Scottish philosopher / 124.
Huszár Tibor / Hungarian sociologist / 165.
Ingusz Iván / Hungarian psychologist / 229, 231, 232, 233, 263, 263.
Inkei Péter / Deputy Under Secretary, Ministry of Culture and Education of Hungary / 163.
Jámbor Andris / nephew of G.P. / 294.
Jancsó Miklós / Hungarian director / 51, 52.
Jánossy András / Hungarian physicist / 263, 264.
Jánossy Ferenc / Hungarian economist / 252, 263.
Jaruzelski, Wojciech / Polish general, politician / 214.
Jászi Oszkár / Hungarian politician, social scientis / 205.
Jeles András / Hungarian director / 235.
József Attila / Hungarian poet / 205, 273.
Juhász Pál / Hungarian economist / 252, 264.
Július Gyula (Molnár Gyula) / Hungarian fine artist / 251
Kádár János / Hungarian Communist politician, General Secretary of MSZMP / 15, 33, 49, 50, 55, 223, 224, 229, 234, 235, 247, 250, 259, 260, 275, 278..
Kafka, Franz / Czech-German writer / 94.
Kákonyi Éva / Hungarian teacher / 230, 264.
Kálmán / grocer, husband of Erzsébet Harda, flatmate of Kálmán-Galicza family / 63.
Kálmán C. György / Hungarian literateur, publicist, brother of G.P. / 42, 47, 147, 167, 227, 233, 242, 243, 293.
Kálmán Endre / Hungarian Communist party officials, journalist, stepfather of G.P. / 36, 40, 42, 44, 45, 47, 49, 52, 53, 54, 59, 62, 65, 66, 72, 73, 75, 85, 99, 148, 160, 190, 226, 273, 274, 277, 283.
Kálmán Kató (Neumann Katalin, Galicza Károlyné) / Hungarian sculptor, mother of G.P. / 1, 6, 7, 16, 19, 26, 31. 66, 292, 296.
Kálmán László / Hungarian linguist, brother of G.P. / 42, 64, 147, 148, 149, 167, 242, 243, 247, 283, 295, 311, 314.
Kálmán Toma László / Hungarian poet, brother of Endre Kálmán / 45.
Kardos András / Hungarian critic / 253, 264.
Kardos István / Hungarian philosopher / 119, 125, 168, 195, 196, 230, 231, 232, 252, 253, 259, 261, 263, 264, 268.
Kardos Pál (Pándi Pál) / Hungarian literature historian, critic / 156, 157, 264.
Karinthy Ferenc / Hungarian writer, dramaturge / 177, 267.
Kató / acquaintance of Róza Markfeld / 6.
Kelemen János / Hungarian philosopher / 312.
Kelen András / Hungarian economist / 253, 264.
Kelen Béla / Hungarian Communist party official, Chief Editor of Esti Hírlap newspaper / 53, 54.
Kemény István / Hungarian sociologist / 140, 241.
Kemény Mária / Hungarian economist, art historian / 320, 321.
Kenedi János / Hungarian writer, historian, critic / 231, 237, 253, 256, 265.
Kepes / Hungarian communist, fought in the Spanish Civil War / 36, 86.
Kepes András / Hungarian television personality / 36, 86, 87.
Kepes György / Hungarian painter, photographer, art writer / 86.
Kerékgyártó Béla / Hungarian teacher of philosophy, Budapest University of Technology / 205, 310, 316.
Király István / Hungarian literature historian / 156, 157.
Kis János / Hungarian philosopher / 113, 121, 122, 123, 143, 153, 154, 218, 231, 237, 253, 259, 271, 286.
Kiss Anikó / Hungarian teacher of philosophy, Budapest University of Technology / 222, 223, 235, 265.
Kissinger, Henry / American diplomat, politician / 297.
Klaniczay Gábor / Hungarian historian / 266.
Knopp András / Hungarian Communist party officials / 74, 75.
Kodály Zoltán / Hungarian composer, ethnomusicologist, pedagogist / 101.
Komlós János / Hungarian mathematician / 120, 158, 231, 265.
Konrád György / Hungarian writer / 265.
Kornai János / Hungarian economist / 19, 282.
Kornis Mihály / Hungarian writer / 240, 271.
Kósa László / Hungarian architect / 60.
Kovács András / Hungarian sociologist / 265, 322.
Kovács András Bálint / Hungarian movie historian, movie aesthete / 90, 91, 244, 245, 254, 258, 305, 306, 308, 310, 314, 315, 316.
Kovács Gizi / Head of Faculty of Philosohy, Budapest Universitiy of Technology / 182, 199, 208.
Kovács Imre / Hungarian writer, politician / 148.
Kovács János Mátyás / Hungarian economist / 136, 137, 154, 171, 214, 215, 261.
Kozák Gyula / Hungarian sociologist / 265.
Kozma Tamás / Hungarian sociologist / 162.
Kökény Mihály, dr. / Hungarian doctor, politician, Minister of Health / 67.
Könczöl Csaba / Hungarian publicist, translator, editor / 265.
Körmendy Ékes Judit / Hungarian jurist, Chairman of Hungarian National Commettee of Radio and Television (ORTT) / 305, 307.
Körmöczi Zsuzsa / Hungarian tennis player / 7, 8.
Körner Margit / acquaintance of Kató Kálmán in Israel / 27.
Kőszeg Ferenc / Hungarian editor, human rights activist / 236, 253, 254, 265, 268.
Krassó György / Hungarian economist, politician / 186, 187, 193, 199, 233, 234, 266.
Krassó Miklós / Hungarian philosopher, politologist / 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 193, 199, 240, 266.
Krokovay Zsolt / Hungarian philosopher / 222, 223, 235, 254.
Kun Béla / Hungarian Communist politician / 35, 56.
Kúnos László / Director of Corvina Publishing House / 125.
Lackó Mihály / Hungarian editor, historian / 231, 266.
Lackó Miklós / Hungarian historian / 177, 205, 212, 266, 267.
Laki Mihály / Hungarian economist / 290.
Láng György / staff member of Társadalmi Szemle review / 75.
Lányi András / Hungarian writer, philosopher, director / 267, 315.
László János / Hungarian psychologist / 125.
Léger, Fernand / French painter, sculptor / 1, 28.
Lengyel József / Hungarian writer / 100.
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich / Russian Communist politician, ideologist / 112, 113.
Levendel Júlia / Hungarian psychologist / 139.
Liska Tibor / Hungarian economist / 145.
Litván „kids” / György Litván and his brothers / 322.
Litván family / family of György Litván historian / 252, 263.
Litván György / Hungarian historian / 212, 263, 267.
Litván Károly / Hungarian journalist / 212, 263, 267.
Litván Katalin / Hungarian architect, daughter of György Litván historian / 267.
Lónyai Mária / Hungarian philosopher / 219, 260.
Losey, Joseph / American director / 244.
Losonczi Pál / Hungarian Communist politician, Chairman of the Presidential Council / 223, 224, 234, 250, 260.
Lovas Zoltán / Hungarian journalist / 237.
Lovász László / Hungarian mathematician / 120.
Ludassy Mária / Hungarian philosopher / 267, 268.
Ludvig nagypapa / grandfather of G.P.’s classmate / 71.
Lukács György / Hungarian philosopher / 98, 117, 122, 126, 156, 157, 185, 206, 208, 218, 248, 264.
Machiavelli, Niccolo / Italian writer, politician / 170, 221.
Magyar Bálint / Hungarian sociologist, politician / 254, 255, 268, 286, 312.
Magyar Gábor / Hungarian informatics engineer / 258, 305.
Major Tamás / Hungarian actor / 210.
Makk Károly / Hungarian director / 254.
Malebranche, Nicolas / French philosopher, theologist / 196.
Mann, Thomas / German writer / 235.
Mao Zedong / Chinese Communist leader / 113.
Margitay Tihamér / Hungarian science philosopher / 309.
Margócsy István / Hungarian literature historian / 115, 116, 126, 129, 132, 137, 139, 140, 156, 157, 183, 261, 268.
Markfeld Róza (Neumann Gézáné, Rózsi) / maternal grandmother of G.P. / 1, 5, 9, 11, 23, 24, 25, 59.
Márkus György / Hungarian philosopher / 122, 145, 154.
Márkus István / Hungarian sociologist / 130.
Marx, Karl / German philosopher, economist / 50, 51, 145, 218, 274.
Máté András / Hungarian philosopher / 121.
Mátrai László / Hungarian philosopher, aesthete / 156.
Matulay Magdolna / Hungarian sociologist / 253, 254, 265, 268.
May / Palestinian wife of Miklós Krassó / 186.
Mehring, Franz / German politician, publicist, historian / 50, 51, 274, 275, 277.
Mérei Ferenc / Hungarian psychologist / 254, 255, 269.
Mészáros Mihály / Hungarian sculptor / 72.
Mezey Mária / Hungarian actress / 2.
Mihály Ottó / Hungarian pedagogist / 161, 163.
Miklós / Hungarian communist, former student of University of Brno, in the ’30s / 36.
Mikó Edit / Hungarian teacher / 140.
Mikó István / Hungarian teacher of philosophy, Budapest University of Technology / 222.
Mikolás Zoltán / Hungarian teacher of philosophy, Budapest University of Technology / 222.
Mizsei Kálmán / Hungarian economist, diplomat, officials of United Nations / 255.
Mód Aladár / Hungarian historian / 51.
Molnár Gyula (Július Gyula) / Hungarian fine artist / 251.
Molnár József / editor of the Új Látóhatár magazine / 13, 15, 37, 38.
Morvai Judit / Hungarian ethnographer / 170.
Mosonyi Alíz / Hungarian writer / 255, 269.
Mührer elvtárs / Hungarian Communist party officials / 96.
Müller Antal / Hungarian physicist, Head of Faculty of Philosophy, Budapest University of Technology / 208, 209.
Nádasdy Ádám / Hungarian linguist, poet, translator / 224, 231, 232, 233, 243, 269.
Nagy András / signer of the Charta of ’79 petition in Hungary / 256.
Nagy Bálint / Hungarian architect / 225, 269.
Nagy Imre / Hungarian Communist politician, Prime Minister of Hungary / 239, 281, 282, 288.
Nagy Jenő / editor of the Demokrata samizdat review / 256, 269.
Nagy Mária / Hungarian education sociologist / 129, 140.
Nemcova, Dana / Czech politician, human rights activist / 224.
Németh László / Hungarian writer / 147, 148.
Neumann Géza / Hungarian merchant of sports equipment in Budapest, maternal grandfather of G.P. / 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 22, 23, 24.
Neumann Gézáné (Markfeld Róza, Rózsi) / maternal grandmather of G.P. / 1, 5, 9, 11, 23, 24, 25, 59.
Neumann Katalin (Kálmán Kató, Galicza Károlyné, Kálmán Endréné) / Hungarian sculptor, mother of G.P. / 1, 6, 7, 16, 19, 26, 31. 66, 292, 296.
Neumann László / uncle of G.P. / 1, 21, 26, 45.
Nonn György / Hungarian Communist party officials, Minister of Popular Education / 301.
Nonn Vera / daughter of Nonn György / 301.
Nyíri Kristóf / Hungarian philosophy historian / 122, 251.
Olt Károly / Hungarian Communist politician, minister / 43.
Orbán Viktor / Hungarian politician, Prime Minister of Hungary / 305.
Origen / early Christian Alexandrian scholar and theologian / 197, 270.
Orosz (Grósz) Dezső / Hungarian Communist party officials / 4, 5, 11, 13, 16, 18, 19, 32, 33, 42, 43, 76, 83, 84, 97, 101, 241, 276, 280, 281, 282, 283, 298.
Orosz Dezsőné (Vigyázó Piroska) / Hungarian Communist party officials / 5, 16, 17, 18, 33, 43, 48, 83, 97, 98, 241, 280, 281, 282.
Orosz István / Hungarian graphic / 133, 231, 256, 269.
Ortutay Gyula / Hungarian ethnographer, politician / 148.
Osváth Zsuzsa / wife of András Pető / 270.
Örkény Antal / Hungarian sociologist / 231, 269.
Örkény István / Hungarian writer / 269.
Ősz / Hungarian painter / 71.
Pais Viktória / Hungarian philosopher / 252, 310.
Palotai János / Hungarian aesthete / 90, 243.
Pándi Pál (Kardos Pál) / Hungarian literature historian, critic / 156, 157, 264.
Pap Mária / nyelvész / 253, 256, 269.
Párkányi Mihály / Hungarian architect / 128, 129, 138.
Pascal, Blaise / French mathematician, physicist, religion philosopher / 196.
Pataki Pál / Hungarian French teacher / 149.
Pécsi Vera / Hungarian historian / 231, 238, 265, 269, 322.
Pelikán József / Hungarian mathematician / 120.
Péter Gábor / Hungarian Communist officials, Leader of State Protection Authority (ÁVH) / 15, 33.
Péter György / Chairman of Hungarian Central Statistic Office (KSH) / 164.
Pető András / Hungarian journalist / 269, 270.
Pető Iván / Hungarian politician, historian / 229, 249, 263, 269.
Petrasovics Anna / Hungarian politician / 248.
Petri György / Hungarian poet / 128, 255, 256, 257, 263, 269.
Petrovics Gojko / Hungarian teacher of philosophy, Budapest University of Technology / 204, 205.
Plato / Greek philosopher / 310.
Pléh Csaba / Hungarian philosopher, linguist / 125.
Polgár girls / Hungarian chess grandmasters / 71.
Pór György / Hungarian born media guru, convicted in the Hungarian maoist show trial / 109, 142, 250.
Poszler György / Hungarian aesthete / 246.
Pozsgay Imre / Hungarian Communist politician, minister / 53, 56, 75, 146.
Prohászka Lajos / Hungarian pedagogist / 161, 162, 202.
Radnóti Miklós / Hungarian poet / 148.
Radnóti Sándor / Hungarian literature historian, aesthete / 124, 127, 153, 224, 269.
Rajk László / Hungarian Communist politician, minister / 33.
Rajk László, ifj. / Hungarian architect / 257, 269, 286.
Rajk Lászlóné (Rajk Júlia) / Hungarian librarian, member of the illegal Democratic Opposition / 257, 269.
Rákosi Mátyás / Hungarian Communist politician, General Secretary of MDP / 36, 49, 127.
Rathmann János / Hungarian teacher of philosophy, Budapest University of Technology / 207.
Rényi Ágnes / Hungarian sociologist / 297.
Rényi Alfréd / Hungarian mathematician / 177, 212, 267, 297.
Rényi András / Hungarian art historian, aesthete / 297.
Rényi Gábor / Hungarian businessman, son of Péter Rényi / 297.
Rényi Péter / Hungarian Communist party officials, Deputy Chief Editor of Népszabadság newspaper / 297, 299.
Réti Ervin / Hungarian journalist / 54.
Réti László / Hungarian Communist historian / 35, 49, 50, 56, 57, 67, 84.
Réti Pál / Hungarian journalist / 35, 57, 67, 87, 109, 135, 136, 137, 143, 154, 170, 177, 209, 212, 214, 217, 221, 223, 224, 228, 230, 234, 238, 252, 264, 265, 269, 272, 290.
Révai Gábor / Hungarian translator, publisher / 108, 109, 126, 127, 137, 138, 142, 143, 183, 224, 230, 236, 253, 255, 262, 263.
Révai János / Hungarian physicist / 126.
Révai József / Hungarian Communist politician / 17, 108, 126, 127, 281.
Rezső Margit / Hungarian teacher of philosophy, Budapest University of Technology / 204.
Risztics Péter / Hungarian electric engineer, leader of informatic team in Budapest University of Technology / 304, 308.
Russell, Edward Frederick Langley (Lord) / British military officer, jurist, historian / 185.
Rusznyák Péter / Hungarian history teacher, head teacher of G.P. / 89, 104.
Estók Tivadar / Hungarian teacher of philosophy, Budapest University of Technology / 207.
Saád József / Hungarian sociologist / 140.
Ságvári Endre / Hungarian illegal communist / 5, 13, 15, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 94.
Ságvári Magda / wife of Endre Ságvári / 34.
Salamon („Hosszúpincés”) / paternal great-grandfather of Gabriella Salamon / 174, 175.
Salamon family / family of G.P.’s wife on paternal line / 174.
Salamon Gabriella / Hungarian economist, wife of G.P. / 38, 64, 97, 137, 163, 164, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 190, 192, 209, 211, 212, 213, 215, 220, 223, 227, 228, 238, 238, 242, 243, 251, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 269, 274, 276, 284, 290, 321, 322.
Salamon József / father of Gabriella Salamon, Head of Department in Ministry of Forgery and Mechanical Industry / 173, 174, 175.
Salamon Józsefné (Vadász Anna) / Hungarian doctor, physician, mother of Gabriella Salamon / 172, 173, 174, 176.
Salamon Zsófia / sister of Gabriella Salamon / 175.
Sallai Imre / Hungarian illegal communist / 17.
Sándor / acquaintance of Róza Markfeld / 6.
Sándor Pál / Hungarian director / 257, 258.
Sándor Tibor / Hungarian historian / 251, 259.
Sántha László / Hungarian director, screenwriter / 125.
Sára Sándor / Hungarian camera man, director / 257, 258, 307.
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph / German philosopher / 126.
Schmidt Mária / Hungarian historian / 305.
Schönherz Zoltán / Hungarian illegal communist / 17.
Schumpeter, Joseph Alois / Austrian economist / 218.
Schwartz Ármin (Serey, Armand) / relative of Róza Markfeld / 6.
Serey, Armand (Schwartz Ármin) / relative of Róza Markfeld / 6.
Simmel, Georg / German sociologist / 218.
Simó Sándor / Hungarian director / 258, 259.
Simon Péter / convict of Hungarian maoist trial in 1968 / 142, 250, 251.
Simon Róbert / Hungarian orientalist / 139.
Simor András / Hungarian economist, Chairman of Hungarian National Bank / 324.
Sinkovics Péter / Hungarian chess grandmaster / 71.
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Isayevich / Russian writer / 100.
Sólyom László / Hungarian costitutional judge, politician, President of Hungary / 239.
Soros György / Hungarian born American businessman / 192, 243, 283, 284, 316.
Sós Vilmos / Hungarian philosopher / 251.
Spencer, Herbert / English philosopher / 162.
Spielberg, Steven / American director / 103.
Spiró György / Hungarian writer, poet / 124, 177.
Stalin, Joseph Vissarionovich / Soviet dictator, General Secretary of CPSU /
Standeisky Éva / Hungarian historian / 57, 58.
Steiger Kornél / Hungarian philosopher / 231, 259.
Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle) / French writer / 246.
Stumpf István / Hungarian politician, politologist / 305.
Sulyok Mária / Hungarian actress / 269.
Sulyok Miklós / Hungarian mathematician, gastronomist / 255, 256, 263, 269.
Szabó András György / Hungarian teacher of philosophy, Budapest University of Technology / 205, 205, 206.
Szabó István / Hungarian director / 277.
Szabó Miklós / Hungarian historian / 251, 259.
Szabóky Ödön (Dönci) / Hungarian gigolo, salesman in a fishing equipment shop / 61, 62.
Szabolcsi Anna / Hungarian linguist / 125.
Szakadát István / Hungarian mathematician, sociologist / 258, 305, 308.
Szalontai Boldizsár / acquaintance of G.P / 72.
Szántó Zoltán / Hungarian Communist politician, diplomat / 32.
Szécsényi Tibor / Hungarian linguist, philosopher / 121.
Szegő András / Hungarian librarian, Library of Institute of Economics, Budapest / 171.
Székely György / Hungarian historian / 119, 138, 143, 144, 152, 168, 169.
Szekér Gyula / Hungarian Communist politician, minister / 63.
Szekfű Gyula / Hungarian historian, diplomat / 69.
Szelényi Iván / Hungarian sociologist / 322.
Széll Jenő / Hungarian cultural organizer, translator, publicist / 269.
Szendi Károly / Hungarian antropologist in France / 320, 321, 322.
Szigeti József / Hungarian philosopher / 117, 118, 156.
Szilágyi Ákos / Hungarian writer, poet, aesthete / 156, 157, 231, 270.
Szilágyi János György / Hungarian classical philologist, archeologist / 177, 212, 267.
Szilágyi Sándor / Hungarian literateur, photographer, historian / 270.
Szőke Sándor / Hungarian screenwriter / 320, 321.
Szűcs Jenő / Hungarian historian / 70.
Szűrös Mátyás / Hungarian Communist politician, diplomat / 75.
Takács Ferenc / Hungarian literature historian, critic / 131.
Tamás Gáspár Miklós / Hungarian philosopher / 231, 259, 270.
Tandori Dezső / Hungarian poet, writer, translator / 151.
Tardos Márton / Hungarian economist / 145, 164, 177, 210, 263, 284, 290.
Tariska Péter, dr. / Hungarian doctor, neuropsychiater / 295.
Tarján Tamás / Hungarian literature historian / 125, 156.
Tausz János / Hungarian Communist politician, Minister of Home Trade / 68.
Tausz Katalin / Hungarian sociologist / 67, 111, 125, 136, 137, 143, 154, 170, 171, 183, 214, 262.
Thacher, Margaret / British politician, Prime Minister / 307.
Theisen, Hemming / Danish communist / 189, 190, 276.
Tímár János / Hungarian sociologist, expert of labour affairs / 150.
Tito, Josip Broz / Yugoslav dictator / 204.
Toldi Ferenc / uncle of G.P. / 10, 39.
Toldi Hermin / sister of G.P.’s maternal grandmother / 10.
Toldi József / brother of G.P.’s maternal grandmother / 9, 10, 39.
Toldi Mária (Galicza Károlyné, Manci anyu, Mamóka) / paternal grandmother of G.P. / 9, 10, 11, 23, 24, 25, 39, 47, 59, 60, 65.
Tóth Lajos / Hungarian military officer, Chief of Staff, Commander of Zrínyi Miklós Military Academy / 36, 84.
Török András / Hungarian cultural historian, cultural manager / 231, 270.
Trenka (Herskó) Anna / Hungarian camera-man, director, Sweden / 14, 27, 28, 73, 190.
Trotsky, Leon (Lev Davidovich) / Russian revolutionary, theorist, politician / 188.
Újvári Márta / Hungarian philosopher / 112.
Ungár Klára / Hungarian politician, economist / 284.
Váczy Péter / Hungarian historian / 69, 70.
Vadász Anna (Salamon Józsefné) / Hungarian doctor, physician, mother of Gabriella Salamon / 172, 173, 174, 176.
Vadász Milán / maternal grandfather of Gabriella Salamon / 172, 173.
Vadász Milánné (Farkas Ilona) / maternal grandmother of Gabriella Salamon / 172.
Vágó / Hungarian architect / 25.
Vajda Lajos / Hungarian painter / 206.
Vajda Mihály / Hungarian philosopher / 248.
Vajna János / Hungarian journalist, Deputy Chief Editor of Világgazdaság / 177, 212, 228, 267.
Vajó Péter / member of the pedagogical research team in the Hungarian Academy of Science / 161, 164.
Vakalios Thanasis / Greek born teacher of philosophy, Budapest University of Technology / 204, 205.
Várdi Péter / Hungarian born sociologist, mathematician, now living int he Netherlands / 310, 319, 322.
Varga Júlia / acquaintance of G.P. in his youth / 251.
Várhegyi Attila / Hungarian politician Under Secretary, Mayor of Szolnok / 305.
Varjas Endre (Vizl Eduárd) / Hungarian poet, journalist / 138, 142, 262.
Várnai András / Hungarian philosopher / 112, 117.
Vásárhelyi Miklós / Hungarian journalist, politician / 270.
Veres Júlia / signer of the Charta of ’79 petition in Hungary, emigrant in the Netherlands / 270.
Vida János / Hungarian sinologist / 112.
Vidos Tibor („Kocka”) / Hungarian sound technician / 254, 255.
Vidrányi Katalin / Hungarian philosophy historian / 197, 231, 270.
Vigyázó Piroska (Orosz Dezsőné) / Hungarian Communist party officials / 5, 16, 17, 18, 33, 43, 48, 83, 97, 98, 241, 280, 281, 282.
Vince Mátyás / Hungarian journalist, Chairman of Hungarian Telegraph Agency (MTI) / 178, 212, 215, 216, 217.
Vizl Eduárd (Varjas Endre) / Hungarian poet, journalist / 138, 142, 262.
Wachsler Tamás / Hungarian politician / 287.
Weber, Max / German economist, sociologist / 218.
Weltner Mariann / Hungarian English teacher / 132, 184.
Weöres Sándor / Hungarian poet / 70.
Wessely Anna / Hungarian art sociologist / 249.
Wirth Kálmán / Hungarian doctor, urologist, classmate of G.P. / 71.
Zappa, Frank / Amercan composer, singer-songwriter, eletric guitarist / 227.
Zelk Zoltán / Hungarian poet / 147, 148.
Zoltai Dénes / Hungarian philosopher / 235.
Zsámboki Mária / Hungarian writer, translator, editor / 270.
Zsarnóczai Sándor / staff member of Társadalmi Szemle review, Chief Editor of Közgazdasági Szemle review / 75.
Zsille Zoltán / Hungarian sociologist / 259, 260.