
Frigyes Lamberger


1. The Hevesi grandparents and Ilona Hevesi


2. Béla Lamberger as a child


3. Margit Hevesi at around 1899


4. Margit Hevesi,1921


5. Béla Lamberger in his youth in Vienna


6. Béla Lamberger and Margit Hevesi, 1922


7. Béla Lamberger and Margit Hevesi with their daughter, Ilona Lamberger, 1924


8. Ilona and Frigyes Lamberger in their youth


9. Mrs. Dezső Bán, Ilona Hevesi, 1943


10. Ilona Lamberger (standing, third from the right) with her group, 1946, Selskohozjajstvenny Institute, Soviet Union


11. Béla Lamberger and his wife, Margit Hevesi, 1947, Soviet Union


12. Ilona Lamberger, 1947, Soviet Union


13. Ilona Lamberger, 1948, Saratov, Soviet Union


14. Mrs. Dezső Bán, Ilona Hevesi, 1952


15. Standing guards at a symbolic coffin of Stalin at his death. Second from the right is Ilona Lamberger, 1953, Soviet Union


16. Frigyes Lamberger in his youth


17. Ilona Lamberger, and her daughter, Galina, with Margit Hevesi and Béla Lamberger, October 1955, Soviet Union


18. Frigyes Lamberger and his wife, Marusya, with their children: Vladimír and Natalia


19. Béla Lamberger and his second wife, Mária Palánkai at their wedding in 1962


20. Natália, Frigyes, Vladimír, Ilona and Galina Lamberger


21. Frigyes Lamberger with his cat, Tiger