Publishing of „Feketében” – In Black (HSZE-LG-SZ-4)

The symbol after the name of the unit refers to its digitization.

a. Documents about the publication of In Black
  1. Circular letter of Ferenc Kőszeg in the name of SZETA, sent to authors and poets, asking for their contribution for a literary anthology to be published for charitable purposes. (April/June 1981.) (3 pages)
  2. Draft of the circular by Ferenc Kőszeg asking artists for their contribution for a literary anthology to be published for charitable purposes. (April 1981.) (4 pages, corrections and editorial remarks in ink)
  3. Modification of the circular by Ferenc Kőszeg in the name of SZETA, asking for contribution for a literary anthology to be published for charitable purposes. In this version they ask for signed manuscripts. (undated) (1 sheet, thin copy paper)
  4. Notes and list of the responses received after the circular has been sent out. (undated) (1 sheet, with additional handwritten notes)
  5. Letter of SZETA to Béla Köpeczi, minister of culture, protesting the confiscation of the printed copies of the Anthology by the police - draft. (January 1983.) (1 sheet, upper left corner missing, handwritten corrections)
  6. Invitation to the presentation of the literary and graphic anthology In Black. (February 12th, 1983.) (Size A/5, 2 copies)
  7. Draft cover of In Black (note paper 14,5x7 cm, 2 copies)
  8. First draft of a circular letter of Ferenc Kőszeg in the name of SZETA, asking artists for their contribution for a literary anthology to be published for charitable purposes. (April 1981.) (4 pages, many corrections and editorial remarks in ink)